April 2021 Ruminations & Ronnifications

Who would have thought that this pandemic would take more than 500,000 American lives?

Who would have thought that we would need to quarantine and isolate, when those were words used to describe only those having smallpox or serving time in prison for some misdeed?

Who would have thought that we had to think twice about going to our favorite restaurant for a relaxing meal?

It has been a year now. I am finally seeing my customers, customers that I have not seen in over a year.

And nothing has warmed my heart more than to see them healthy and smiling, many of whom are eager to share how they have been vaccinated and chose Ben’s as their first dine-out experience in over a year!

Thank you for doing your part to keep us standing.

We are stronger and more appreciative than ever.

Hoping for a much better year as we leave the darkest of times.

See ya at the Deli.


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