April 2024 Ruminations & Ronnifications

This April 4th, my wife Cindy and I were married for 48 years. People have asked what the reason was for our successful marriage. Well, I answer them this way: on our 25th anniversary Cindy and I went to Beijing, China. So what are you doing for your 48th anniversary to which I answer jokingly … I will be picking her up from Beijing, China.

In all seriousness, my wife was and still is a true partner both at work and play. If one were to ask me who deserved the medal in our marriage I would gladly and truthfully say, Cindy! It wasn’t easy to be married to a workaholic, who typically worked over 100 hours each work and for seven years worked seven days per week with the only days off were the holidays we were closed –– Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Passover. We even planned our April wedding to coincide with closing the store for Passover, so we could enjoy a honeymoon.

I was on a mission to be successful since I grew up poor, having lived in eight different places by the time I was 14 years of age. Cindy worked seven days per week but less hours than me all while raising two independent and smart children, Josh and Jaime who are in their forties now. No matter all the travails that accompany operating a business, I have been blessed with a comfortable livelihood, a warm and wonderful home, and now two bright and beautiful grandchildren, Ella and Leo. Would a grandfather say anything less?

And now that I am a consultant to my own business, I am now relieved of the daily grind. I couldn’t be happier … as my new job description will be to visit the stores, kibbutz with customers, thank our hardworking employees … and of course help in all the decision making processes.

Thanks to all the workers –– past and present –– who helped me build the business as well as all the customers who made my semi-retirement possible so maybe Cindy and I could actually visit Beijing, together!
