March 2025 Ruminations & Ronnifications

Reflections from the Deli: A Journey of 53 Years

Where do I begin? It’s hard to believe, but I’ve been in the delicatessen-restaurant business for over 53 years now. Throughout this time, working with both the public and employees has been a constant learning experience. At times, it’s been enlightening; other times, not so much. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become less inclined to keep my thoughts to myself.

As my 14-year-old son once said about the public when he worked the cash register many years ago, “They’re crazy.” But, as I always remind others, we tend to remember the difficult customers while forgetting about the majority — those wonderful, caring people who make it all worth it.

There are countless stories to share from over the years — some funny, some sad, some downright indescribable, and others simply outrageous. When I first started in this business, I was an idealist, eager to please everyone who walked through the door. But over time, I’ve learned that running a deli isn’t just about serving food; it’s about managing people and creating memories.

One of my fondest memories dates back to 1975 when I placed an ad in Newsday looking for waitstaff. My future wife, Cindy Seldes, was one of two applicants. To this day, I joke with her that I could’ve married the other one — though, in fairness, the other applicant was … well, let’s say on the “zaftig” side.

For our first anniversary, I had very little to give her, so I decided to share a very “human interest” story with Newsday. They sent a photographer to our Baldwin location (my very first, which I still miss dearly) to take a picture of Cindy and me. That picture ended up being used as a full-page ad in their Classified section. That’s right — Newsday ran our anniversary photo for an entire year as part of their promotions. I like to think it was a rather memorable first anniversary gift for my hard-working wife.

In future blogs, I’ll share more stories that span the decades of running this business. But for now, let’s embrace the spirit of March Madness and enjoy some classic Corned Beef and Cabbage specials until the 17th.

Hope to see you at the deli soon!


February 2025 Ruminations & Ronnifications

It has been a few weeks now since I have had back and leg issues making it extremely difficult to walk without a walker. So instead of going to any of the stores, I have been working from home. Between the  Bose head set that my cousin bought me, the ear buds that my son purchased, which also act as hearing aids, and the wires that criss cross my home office as well as speakers, fax machine and all the chargers that are close at hand, I am inundated by technology which I know little of, with no one to teach me in the house – my kids left the house over 25 years ago.

It’s incredible for me to see how young people take to this new technological world like a duck takes to water! They text faster, they know the ins and outs, the nuances of the cell phone world and the world of computers while I sit dumbfounded. When in the store, I always eye a young person who is in the employ of Ben’s to help me navigate this technology. The pace at which technology develops, and changes is too fast for this septuagenarian but my ace in the hole is the server, hostess, or cashier on duty. It’s not as if I was born in a log cabin or taken to a healthcare facility in a horse and buggy. After all you no longer have to go shopping for foods, hygiene products or clothing, you can order through Amazon and have them delivered to your door. You really don’t have to leave your home for much these days and I really don’t have to go into the stores to work … except of course to get my many technology questions answered.

Super Bowl is February 9th. Please call your favorite store to order your wings and place your catering order!

Hopefully, I’ll see ya at the deli soon.


January 2025 Ruminations & Ronnifications

I usually avoid discussing policy and politics, but I can’t resist sharing an idea.

How about we start a new political party called the Commonsense Party, with a charging buffalo as its mascot, symbolizing our push for tort reform?

Our primary concern would be the spending of money we don’t have.

Additionally, I have a few other suggestions:
One issue that concerns me is the prevalence of needless lawsuits. It seems like everyone is suing everyone, almost like it’s an extension of the NY State Lottery. Perhaps if the losing party in a court battle had to pay all legal expenses, it would reduce frivolous lawsuits.

Regarding the gold-colored coin that’s the same size as a quarter, it might be better suited as a Christmas tree ornament.

I believe women should have the right to make their own choices about their bodies, but that doesn’t mean we should disregard potential life.

On tariffs, do we really need to burden the American consumer? Everyone enjoys a good bargain. At one time, both political parties viewed tariffs as a hindrance to free trade. All nations should agree on a set of rules and abide by them.

Like Bismarck, we should establish a social safety net with safeguards to ensure the system’s integrity.

It’s time for multimillionaires and billionaires to contribute their fair share of the tax burden.

As a Judeo-Christian country, we are only as good as how we treat the poorest among us.

Government workers should treat their roles as if they were running a profit-making institution, which would significantly reduce waste.

How intrusive should the government be? Reading Orwell’s 1984 feels eerily like our current situation.

Let the left and right, Conservatives and Liberals, Republicans and Democrats continue their debates. Meanwhile, the Commonsense Party will emerge as the dominant party in America.

See you at the deli,


December 2024 Ruminations & Ronnifications

Hi, I’m Ella and my grandparents, Ronnie and Cindy, own the best kosher deli in the world…at least that’s what I think! December happens to be my birthday month, so I thought it was fitting for me to celebrate my 10th birthday by writing this month’s blog.

Through the years, we have hosted lots of fun and exciting events for kids. We had a salad making competition, latke demonstration, matzah ball making class, character dinners, and more, so I thought we could have some fun with a new contest!


Please share this with your grandchildren and children. Since my brother, Leo and I LOVE Ben’s pickles, and we know how much our customers love them, I thought it would be fun to have a pickle drawing contest. We will be looking for drawings with vibrant colors, details, and art that shows creativity. The winner will be chosen by my brother and me.

 Here are the details:

Children aged 5 to 12 years old may participate without help from adults or older siblings

Artists may use crayons, colored pencils, or watercolors, or a combination of these mediums. It must be a handwritten drawing.

Drawings must be no larger than 8 ½ by 11 inches.

The winner will have their artwork framed and displayed in our restaurants and will receive 2 kid’s meals and a quart of free pickles.

Please send your drawings to our corporate office at 25 Newbridge Rd., Suite 201, Hicksville, NY 11801 OR scan and email them to Please include your first and last name, child’s name, phone number, and email address with your submission. And don’t forget to sign your artwork like a true artist.

 All entries must be in by January 31st. We will announce the winners by February 7th!

 We can’t wait to see your awesome pickle creations!

 As my grandpa always says, See ya at the Deli!

 Ella Passy

April 2024 Ruminations & Ronnifications

This April 4th, my wife Cindy and I were married for 48 years. People have asked what the reason was for our successful marriage. Well, I answer them this way: on our 25th anniversary Cindy and I went to Beijing, China. So what are you doing for your 48th anniversary to which I answer jokingly … I will be picking her up from Beijing, China.

In all seriousness, my wife was and still is a true partner both at work and play. If one were to ask me who deserved the medal in our marriage I would gladly and truthfully say, Cindy! It wasn’t easy to be married to a workaholic, who typically worked over 100 hours each work and for seven years worked seven days per week with the only days off were the holidays we were closed –– Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Passover. We even planned our April wedding to coincide with closing the store for Passover, so we could enjoy a honeymoon.

I was on a mission to be successful since I grew up poor, having lived in eight different places by the time I was 14 years of age. Cindy worked seven days per week but less hours than me all while raising two independent and smart children, Josh and Jaime who are in their forties now. No matter all the travails that accompany operating a business, I have been blessed with a comfortable livelihood, a warm and wonderful home, and now two bright and beautiful grandchildren, Ella and Leo. Would a grandfather say anything less?

And now that I am a consultant to my own business, I am now relieved of the daily grind. I couldn’t be happier … as my new job description will be to visit the stores, kibbutz with customers, thank our hardworking employees … and of course help in all the decision making processes.

Thanks to all the workers –– past and present –– who helped me build the business as well as all the customers who made my semi-retirement possible so maybe Cindy and I could actually visit Beijing, together!


March 2024 Ruminations & Ronnifications

As we March on in this very uncertain world, I am pleased to announce my long-awaited, long-delayed semi-retirement from Ben’s. Yes, you heard it right — I’m finally taking a step back. At the age of 75, I’ve decided it’s time to let others take the reins while I sip my diet cokes and watch the world go by. Well, maybe not exactly that — my mind never stops, but you get the idea.

For over 51 years, Ben’s has been my lifeblood. The hustle, the corned beef sandwiches, the late nights — it’s all etched into my DNA. But now, with the Pandemic of the century (thankfully) behind us, I’m ready to pass the torch. Don’t worry — I’ll still be lurking in the shadows as a consultant. My love for this place hasn’t wavered; it’s just time for a little R&R.

So, here’s my request: I want to hear from you — the loyal patrons who’ve kept Ben’s alive all these years. If you were king of the hill (or queen), what would you do differently? What secret ingredient would you add to our matzo ball soup? Would you change our pickle-to-sandwich ratio? Or maybe you’d introduce a “Bagels Only” happy hour?

Email me at with your thoughts. Let’s keep this deli train chugging along together. Thank you for a wonderful life — I’ll see you at the deli (or maybe not).


February 2024 Ruminations & Ronnifications

When I first entertained entering this business, I thought about the ways I could revolutionize the kosher deli business that had remained unchanged since the 1920’s. And I did! I was a 24 year-old idealistic kid from Queens County in New York City and am now entering my 76th year on this earth.

Now bent by age and too many 100+ hours work weeks I need to enlist the help of others.  Ira Bernstein, CPA, a Long Island native and my first cousin has relocated from Las Vegas, Nevada (or as I like to call it, Lost Wages) to help me navigate the future of Ben’s.

With an accountant’s eye on finances—will help to reduce redundancies and look for ways to have greater efficiency through a more robust point of sale system as well as tightening up our cost controls. Ira will join me, our COO Todd Silverstein, VP Gilah Salzano and my daughter Jaime Dragoon Passy in charting the future. I am still optimistic for the future of Ben’s. The entire executive management team is bullish on our future.

I hope all our employees, patrons and vendors realize that it was no easy task to be in business for over 51 years with the same family ownership. It took perseverance to get through all the vagaries of the years whether it was an 18% interest rate during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, the financial collapse of 2007/2008 and the once in a lifetime Pandemic. While we survived, many of my fellow kosher deli owners did not and that’s sad.

We are only as strong as our weakest link and we are now considered a rare breed when once kosher delis dotted the highways and byways, boroughs, and villages of metro New York. 

So, to all of you — vendors, patrons, and employees — thank you for joining me on this journey … thank you for your continuing support.    

See you at the Deli!
Ronald Dragoon

January 2024 Ruminations & Ronnifications

If the President of the United States can give a State of the Union speech, and the Governor of New York State can give a State of the State address, so, too, can I give the State of Ben’s in far fewer words than the President and/or the Governor.

So let’s get right to it:

Ben’s has experienced the unprecedented emergence of Covid (at least in my lifetime), and was able to navigate through all the vitriol and divisiveness in the country, and the rampant inflation that all of us have experienced as consumers and vendors. So after all this, where are we now and where are we headed in 2023? Ben’s through the years has had its share of ups and downs but never were we so threatened as we have been … but we emerged, and I think stronger than we have been in some time.

My goal has been to maintain the restaurant locations we now have and increase our sales by expanding our delivery areas as well as our offerings. We have an amazing amount of dedicated and caring workers who know the mission and the goal in the coming years of being the preeminent kosher caterer and restaurant in the United States. It is not an easy business and never was but as we overcame the high interest rates in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, the financial crisis in 2008, we, too, shall overcome all the issues I have raised. How do we do this?

We do this by having an evolving menu with more food options, maintaining the cleanliness and good looks of the respective Ben’s locations and seeking out superior management talent.

We look forward to 2023 with optimism and with the hope that our vendors, patrons, and employees face the future with the same optimism. And I must thank all the patrons who have written me, called the “hot line,” made suggestions, criticized or complimented on what they saw and experienced.

May you all have a resurgence of optimism, health and good fortune in 2023.

See you all at the Deli,

December 2023 Ruminations & Ronnifications

December is a wonderful month where all religions and ethnicities celebrate their respective holidays, whether it is Chanukah, Christmas, or Kwanzaa.

We are preparing to meet the demands of holiday parties and holiday catering. We will have Lotsa Latkes (lotsa latkes, lotsa flavors) and want everyone to know that we will have our yearly special of buy three dozen potato pancakes (aka Latkes) and receive the fourth dozen for free … so spread the word and joy, or get together with your friends and neighbors to share.

As the New Year approaches, wishes for world peace and security are abound … and I wish the very best to our workers, our patrons, relatives and friends during this holiday season.

May you all have a happy, healthy, reflective and peaceful 2024 and a wonderful holiday season.

With best regards,
Ronnie Dragoon

November 2023 Ruminations & Ronnifications

Thanksgiving is almost upon us along with the change in the clocks and colder weather… For me it is the signaling of the end of greenery and the beginning of fall foliage. Time to get out our winter jackets, sweaters, boots … and hopefully not shovels … to accommodate the weather changes.

Not only it is time to give thanks but also give pause to all that’s happening in the world. It is time to speak out and use our voices to make sure the world is a  more peaceful place. As best as I can tell, we’re still better off than our ancestors with many more creature comforts. Let’s hope that smarter and calmer minds and actions will prevail. Let’s hope for a peaceful world with a better understanding of each others differences,  regardless of our respective religions, skin color, and sexual orientation.

And to those who say we are a world of tribes and tribalism, I suggest that we all are a member of one tribe — the human race. May you all have a very happy, healthy, and peaceful Thanksgiving.

Make sure to place your catering orders or make reservations in our dining room. We sincerely appreciate your continued loyalty and support.

See ya at the deli,
Simply, Ronnie