February 2019 Ruminations & Ronnifications

Years ago, we began printing ‘Comment Cards’ for our patrons to evaluate the experience they had at whichever Ben’s location at which they chose to dine or take-out. It has been a very interesting experience to read these, especially for someone with my sense of humor and, with that in mind, I always made my own comments (in my mind, of course) ***

So, when a customer wrote:

…that she loved the server — I suggested that she take him home with her (in my mind);

…that she didn’t like the décor — I offered for her to redesign the store and build it just the way she would like (again, in my mind);

…that he liked the matzoh balls better in another Ben’s location — I suggested that he go there (again, in my mind);

…that we didn’t have enough stalls in a particular Ben’s — I asked whether the patron came to dine or pee (again, in my mind);

…complaining about a young worker having pimples — I inquired whether the patron was a dermatologist, so he could offer his services to the young worker (again, in my mind);

…that she and her husband were revolted by the length of a server’s nails — I said, “you should see the collections of snakes and tarantulas in her home†(again, in my mind);

…that he remembered when kosher hot dogs cost 5 cents — I wondered how much he was making per week “back in the day†(again, in my mind);
…that she didn’t like the server uniforms — I asked whether she prefer that the servers wore no uniforms (again, in my mind);

…that she had to wait on the queue for more than 40 minutes to get seated at the Ben’s Boca Raton, Florida location — I said, “at least it’s warm outside†(again, in my mind).
Owning a Kosher Delicatessen and Restaurant is like earning a Master’s degree in human psychology!

***Please don’t get the wrong impression from my bent to the whimsical. I take these comments from our patrons very seriously, including suggestions about our food, décor, service, bathrooms, etc. Just ask the General Managers about the missives I write and the phone calls that I make as I undertake the correction of our failings and the reinforcement of the positive customer comments.

See ya’ at the deli,

