January 2022 Ruminations & Ronnifications

Wow! The year is 1972 when a young man decides that a kosher delicatessen is to be his calling. The year is 2022 when an older man, but one who is still young at heart, celebrates that kosher delicatessen’s Golden Anniversary.

Where did the 50 years go? How did we survive and become one of the last kosher delis standing?

I can tell you two things I know for sure: it hasn’t been easy and it’s been quite an education. Nothing that college or being a vista volunteer could have prepared me for. I’m still trying to understand the younger generations with their cell phones, texting, face timing… all while working! But let’s talk about the more interesting things that have befallen Ben’s during these tumultuous times. I never imagined so many deliveries, so much over the deli counter business as we have witnessed and experienced in the last eight months.

I have learned about courier services, Door Dash, Grub Hub, Seamless, and sites whose names I find hysterical… Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat, twitter, etc.

I am looking forward to the day when we no longer must wear masks, can gather with friends and family, and not be overly concerned about Covid and all it’s mutations and variants. In December, I thought we were seeing the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel but it turned out that the tunnel was extremely winding and alas, the light was flickering as we encountered Omnicron.

But we must keep the faith and push forward. If we survive this period in our history, we can survive almost anything. And survive we must, as Ben’s and I will be celebrating our 50th anniversary all year long.

I have dreamed of this moment and am glad I am still around. Please watch for our monthly specials and join me in the festivities.

See ya at the Deli,

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