March 2023 Ruminations & Ronnifications

As Ben’s just completed our 50thAnniversary in business, I have to say that the customer’s responses have been heartwarming. Given the Pandemic, the turbulent world in which we now find ourselves, the supply chain shortages and the escalating cost of goods, I believe the worst is behind us; I am looking forward with a renewed sense of optimism on the future of Ben’s. Not that we went unscathed by the events of the past three years or so but we survived and I believe will be stronger as a result.

We continue to tweak our menu dispensing with those food items that are no longer in demand and introducing new menu items to our staff and patrons. Our supervising chef, Atilio Celis and his respective staffs along with my daughter Jaime Passy, COO Todd Silverstein and Vice President Gilah Salzano are looking and tasting various menu offerings to possibly incorporate onto our menus.

We are also testing bringing back dinner specials, on weekends, which we abandoned during the Pandemic while expanding our delivery services knowing that the market place has changed along with patrons dining habits and expectations.

Many years ago I remember a fellow named Bob Dylan who said the times they are a changin’. Well, they are still changing and evolving and  Ben’s will continue to change with the times to keep the great kosher deli tradition alive and well for many years into the future. Please March to a different drummer and come to Ben’s and celebrate with our St. Patrick’s specials that are available from March 1stthrough St. Patrick’s day March 17th. Thank you all. WE APPRECIATE YOU!

See you at the deli!

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