Reflections from the Deli: A Journey of 53 Years
Where do I begin? It’s hard to believe, but I’ve been in the delicatessen-restaurant business for over 53 years now. Throughout this time, working with both the public and employees has been a constant learning experience. At times, it’s been enlightening; other times, not so much. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become less inclined to keep my thoughts to myself.
As my 14-year-old son once said about the public when he worked the cash register many years ago, “They’re crazy.” But, as I always remind others, we tend to remember the difficult customers while forgetting about the majority — those wonderful, caring people who make it all worth it.
There are countless stories to share from over the years — some funny, some sad, some downright indescribable, and others simply outrageous. When I first started in this business, I was an idealist, eager to please everyone who walked through the door. But over time, I’ve learned that running a deli isn’t just about serving food; it’s about managing people and creating memories.
One of my fondest memories dates back to 1975 when I placed an ad in Newsday looking for waitstaff. My future wife, Cindy Seldes, was one of two applicants. To this day, I joke with her that I could’ve married the other one — though, in fairness, the other applicant was … well, let’s say on the “zaftig” side.
For our first anniversary, I had very little to give her, so I decided to share a very “human interest” story with Newsday. They sent a photographer to our Baldwin location (my very first, which I still miss dearly) to take a picture of Cindy and me. That picture ended up being used as a full-page ad in their Classified section. That’s right — Newsday ran our anniversary photo for an entire year as part of their promotions. I like to think it was a rather memorable first anniversary gift for my hard-working wife.
In future blogs, I’ll share more stories that span the decades of running this business. But for now, let’s embrace the spirit of March Madness and enjoy some classic Corned Beef and Cabbage specials until the 17th.
Hope to see you at the deli soon!