March 2018 Ruminations & Ronnifications

A reflection on gun control and politics in America:

As with most everyone in the United States, I am devastated by the tragedy that occurred in Parkland, Florida (just 15 minutes south of Ben’s in Boca Raton). This shooting left at least 17 dead and many others wounded. Having listened to all the arguments and news shows about mental illness and gun control, ad nauseam, I’ll offer a different slant. I believe this will get at the root of the problem.

Public financing of political campaigns is a must. No politician should be beholden to their contributors/donors. Rather, they should do the right thing based on their beliefs and their constituents, whose views they represent in the House of Representatives. Senators, on the other hand, have a higher calling and should take into consideration the thoughts of the whole country. It is an imperative. Anything less would be a disgrace to the future of our country. Private money has no business in our campaigns for elected offices.

I am a deli man with no constituency, and not educated well enough to represent others, but I am a pragmatist willing to fight for the new America. The one represented by the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who spoke so eloquently to the news media outlets after the tragic events. They (and other like-minded students) will be the future leaders of a new and enlightened America. Those present leaders who stand idly by while these events occur will be voted out of office. The status quo cannot continue.

See ya at the deli,
