November 2019 Ruminations & Ronnifications

This past day before Yom Kippur, I worked the deli counter in Ben’s of Greenvale. It gave me the greatest joy not to be on a computer, or the telephone, or listening to a myriad of issues. I was smiling, enjoying the back-and-forth banter with our patrons (many of whom didn’t know who I was), making up their orders and wishing all a very happy, healthy, peaceful and reflective New Year.

Now, after Yom Kippur, I am back to answering emails, sending emails, listening to customer phone calls and inquiries, which doesn’t give me nearly the joy I have when working the deli counter.  So, what does this tell me? That my working life is more complete when I see, converse, and listen to our patrons.

So, what should I do?  Well, I have an idea that maybe I should change my official title from Chief Executive Officer/President/Founder to something closer and dearer to my heart—CCSO, or Chief Customer Service Officer…and roam the various Ben’s locations speaking with our patrons and the workers who make it all happen.
And yes, it is still in my blood to jump behind the counter to help a patron—it’s in my blood so you may be next!

Feel free to let me know what you think (

Oh, and don’t forget to order the Ben’s Thanksgiving package.

Thank you and see ya at the deli.
