September 2019 Ruminations & Ronnifications

T.S. Eliot, the noted essayist and poet, measured his life in coffee spoons. I measure my life in how many High Holidays I am able to make it through…. still standing.

The preparation is enormous– the chopping, dicing, mincing, slicing, and cutting. Orders will be taken, filled, packed and delivered (or picked up). It ain’t easy (please forgive my English), but I always thrived on the challenge of leading our team of managers and their staff to success, which means, and has always meant, making customers happy.
Whether you purchase our Cole slaw, soup, brisket, Empire chickens or an entire holiday meal package, it is an absolute honor and privilege when you choose Ben’s for your holiday table and allow Ben’s to be a part of your holiday celebration and family memories.

My hats are off to all the managers and their staff– with my deep gratitude– for helping to feed the over 10,000 people who have their Rosh Hashanah orders catered by Ben’s, not counting all the foods purchased over the takeout counter the two days prior to the holiday.

Thank you for your trust, your loyalty, and, for most of your, years of patronage. I so want to keep the tradition alive, even if Ben’s is the last Kosher deli standing.

May you all have a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. My late mom–may she rest in peace–could never forget her preparation for Rosh Hashanah. I was born on Rosh Hashanah, 1948.

See ya at the Deli,


P.S. Oh, and don’t forget our Feast Before the Fast, Yom Kippur meals and menus.