Ben’s Gives out $30 against the Spread(1/20/2020)-Free Munchies as Part of Ben’s Big Game Season Favorites Catering Order of 12 or More In celebration of football playoff season, and the impending “Big Game” on Sunday, February 2, Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers is offering its Big Game Spread catering special, with enough to feed 12 or more people. To make … Continue reading "Ben’s Gives out $30 against the Spread"
Ben’s Donates $2,400 to The INN(9/26/2019)-September 25, 2019 Ben’s Donates $2,400 to The INN Money Raised from Sales during National Deli Month CAPTION: Ronnie Dragoon (center), Founder-Owner, Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers, presents a check in the amount of $2,400 to Jean Kelly (left), Executive Director/CEO, and Rob Kammerer (right), Board Member, The INN (Interfaith Nutrition Network), at The … Continue reading "Ben’s Donates $2,400 to The INN"
Ben’s Celebrates National Delicatessen Month(6/28/2019)-In celebration of National Delicatessen Month, Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers will offer a two-course, prix fixe menu with traditional Jewish fare during the month of August. The Deli Lover’s Favorite special will feature Matzoh Ball Soup, Hot Open Pastrami and Corned Beef Combo, served with stuffed derma (kishke) and fresh-cut French fries. Accompanied … Continue reading "Ben’s Celebrates National Delicatessen Month"
Ben’s is Head of the Class for Graduation Catering!(4/16/2019)-Congratulations, graduates! What’s better than finally being done with school? The graduation party spent with friends and family! Celebrate the completion of high school or college with a party catered by Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers. With Ben’s, you can create a Ben’s Buffet to suit your taste, customize a catered package or build … Continue reading "Ben’s is Head of the Class for Graduation Catering!"
Hanukkah Headquarters(11/20/2018)-Celebrate Hanukkah with Ease with Ben’s Kosher Deli: Your Hanukkah Headquarters Enjoy Ben’s Catered Holiday Meal for Six and Eat “Lotsa Latkes” For many families, balancing work, kids, responsibilities, and life in general is difficult enough to handle on the average day. So, what happens when the stress of the holidays is added into the … Continue reading "Hanukkah Headquarters"
Ben’s Thanksgiving Catering(10/24/2018)-Ben’s Serves up Thanksgiving Feast without the Holiday Headache It’s that time of year again: Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers is bringing back its Thanksgiving Feast Special, and it’s everything you could need, and more. Avoid getting wrapped up in the holiday hassle. Sit back and relax while the Turkey is cooking. Let Ben’s bring its … Continue reading "Ben’s Thanksgiving Catering"
Score an Easy Touchdown this Football Season(10/9/2018)-Ben’s Football Feast for Five Catering Package is Perfect for Any Party Sit back, relax and let Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers do the work for you. From delicious catering and mouthwatering grab-and-go takeout at every location, Ben’s is making this football season an easy win. Available all season long, Ben’s “Football Feast for … Continue reading "Score an Easy Touchdown this Football Season"
Ben’s on a Budget: Kids Eat 50% Off in October(9/18/2018)-An offer too good to resist No, it’s not a trick. Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers is offering kids meals for 50% off throughout the month of October. All Ben’s locations, from Manhattan, New York, all the way to Boca Raton, Florida, will be participating in this promotion. Ben’s goal is to provide all … Continue reading "Ben’s on a Budget: Kids Eat 50% Off in October"
Don’t Pass Over Ben’s Catered Holiday Dinner(3/1/2018)-Enjoy a Meal for 10 with a Side of B1G1 Coupons The Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers® motto has long been that holidays should be a time to kick-back and relax with family, rather than spending long hours cooking and cleaning. Celebrate freedom, and the story of the exodus from Egypt, with the company’s … Continue reading "Don’t Pass Over Ben’s Catered Holiday Dinner"
Ben’s on a Budget(1/17/2018)-Kids Eat for $3.99 throughout February From February 1 to 28, 2018, all seven Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers locations, are offering a $3.99 Ben’s Kids Meal Deal with the purchase of a regular priced adult sandwich or entree. Recognizing that families are usually feeling a post-holiday financial crunch, Ben’s has always set aside … Continue reading "Ben’s on a Budget"
What’s a Big Game Without a Big Spread?(1/10/2018)-Ben’s is Perfect for Big Game Catering Sit back, relax, throw on your favorite jersey and let Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers prepare your “Big Game” food for you. Playoff season can be a nerve wracking time for some fans, but how can you even begin to root for your favorite team if you’re … Continue reading "What’s a Big Game Without a Big Spread?"
New Year, New Ben’s Menu(12/17/2017)-Specialty Menu Features Ben’s Burgers, Top’t Dogs and Panini With a New Year, comes a new Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen, Restaurant and Caterers menu. Beginning January 2, 2018, all Ben’s locations will debut the company’s Specialty Menu, featuring the most popular items from Ben’s previous Burger, Top’t Dogs and Panini Menus. Perfect for meat lovers, this … Continue reading "New Year, New Ben’s Menu"
Ben’s of Bayside Thriving After Renovation(10/23/2017)-Ben’s of Bayside: New Look and a New Leader Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers completely renovated its Bayside, Queens location this past Spring. From new carpets to a refurbished kitchen and bathrooms, all the way up to painting the ceiling, Ben’s of Bayside left nothing untouched. But, the changes weren’t just physical alterations, the … Continue reading "Ben’s of Bayside Thriving After Renovation"
Ben’s Top’t Dogs Are Back(6/26/2017)-Six Recipes Make a Return for The Month of July Only Next month, Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen, Restaurant and Caterers will be bringing back its Top’t Dogs menu. This year, Ben’s is offering six different Top’t Dog options: the six favorites of last year. These original hot dog recipes will be available at all Ben’s locations, … Continue reading "Ben’s Top’t Dogs Are Back"
Ben’s of Bayside Renovation Celebration(5/19/2017)-New Decor, Memorial Day BBQ, Comedy Show and More… Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers is excited to unveil the final phase of renovations at the company’s Bayside location, its second rehab since opening in 1994. As part of the update, Ben’s Founder/Owner, Ronnie Dragoon, opted to upgrade the bathrooms and furniture, reclaim the terrazzo … Continue reading "Ben’s of Bayside Renovation Celebration"